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Saturday, September 4, 2010

New Apple iPod Touch Music Player

New Apple iPod Touch Music PlayerApple announced a new Apple iPod touch music player, full of incredible new features, including a screen volleyball beautiful Apple face video calls time, HD video recording, A4 chip Apple 3-axis gyroscope, IOS 4.1 and Game Center - all combined in the thinnest and lightest Apple iPod touch ever. Apple's new iPod touch 40 hours of music playback and seven hours of video playback on a single battery charge. New Player Apple iPod Touch comes with IOS 4.1, the latest mobile operating system the most advanced. IOS 4.1 provides new features like video calls, multi-threaded, records, Game Center.

(Via letsgodigital)

1 comment:

  1. In this era everyone knows about the company and its product. iPod is one of the product of the company and now we can get Apple music player at apple store.
