What is your favorite gaming console right now? I ask this because I honestly can not answer this question. I like motion controlled game, cool graphics support and I want my console to look right next to my good widescreen TV. In other words I like both the Wii and Xbox 360 for what they offer, but I also do not recall them to look more like a PS3 Slim. Oh, and I happen to mention the fact that it must certainly be very affordable?
So let's recap quickly what is happening in the game industry: Sony has launched a brand new 120GB PlayStation 3, thin, and he is preparing to offer 250 GB version soon, Nintendo has cut $ 50 from price of the Wii, which now costs $ 199 and Microsoft is thinking about new ways to sell versions of its Xbox 360 as cheap as possible. It would be like the Wii has still an advantage over its main competitors, but I'm sure this will change when both Sony and Microsoft will provide their own motion controlled games to the crowd next year.
What console should you buy now? Well, we found only bundles for you. Inside the package into the image that you find the Xbox 360 Elite and two free games: Lego Batman: The Videogame and pure. The Elite Holiday Bundle, as it is called, will be available in Canada and the U.S. soon and it will cost $ 299.
If you already have an Xbox 360 then you might be interested in the Xbox 360 Wireless Controller Game Pack, which came in November. The package includes a free wireless controller and four games: Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2, Lumines Live!, Bomberman Live! and a man download token for Ms Pac. Everything is available for $ 59.99, which is a very good price.